Upcoming Dinner September 30, 2018
Dear VCCFA Members,
Please join us,Sunday, September 30th at 6 pm at Island Wok Restaurant for buffet dinner, followed by a presentation by Charlayne Thornton-Joe. She will speak about, "Victoria’s Chinatown: The History of Victoria’s Chinatown Through the Eyes of Charlayne Thornton-Joe".
Charlayne Thornton-Joe is a third generation Victorian. She has served the Chinese community in various roles. She was a director on the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and member of the Victoria Chinatown Lioness, serving four terms as President. She currently is a member of the Chinese Freemasons and a new club called The Jade Phoenix Club. For her many years of volunteering, Charlayne was the recipient of the Honorary Citizen of Victoria in 2001, was recognized with a YM-YWCA Woman of Distinction Award, a Lion's International Brian Stevenson Service Award, and a Zonta Woman of the Year Award.
Island Wok Restaurant is located at 801 Vernon Ave. It is in the Saanich Plaza, between Uptown Centre and Gateway Village.
Please be there by 5:45 pm. The dinner is at 6:00 pm. The presentation begins at 7:00 pm.
Cost for the dinner: $22 for members and $25 non members. Please note that those members who have not paid their 2018 dues will be charged $25 for the dinner. Cash or cheque only, please.
RSVP: by Wednesday, September 26th to Jen Calder at jepcalder@gmail.com or phone(250) 881-3787 or contact Carol Charlebois at charlebois721@gmail.com
You are responsible for payment. If you need to cancel, please do so by Wednesday September 26th.