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2017 AGM March 25, Saturday, 5:15 PM Golden City Restaurant

Hello everyone,

Our Annual General Meeting, with election of a new board, is fast approaching. Please mark your calendars:

Saturday, March 25, 2017 5:15 PM

Golden City Restaurant

721 Fisgard St,

Victoria, BC

V8W 1R8

(*Note that the meeting is a Saturday.)

We are always happy to welcome new faces on our board and fresh ideas for ways to better serve our membership. In addition to conducting business, we look at how we can promote our Association's continued growth. We hope you will consider putting your name forward!

There are both executive positions and members-at-large positions. We meet only once a month (on a day and time that works for all) for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Andy Calder or Dawn Yuan, from our nominating committee, will be contacting you soon.

And, as always, we welcome any suggestions you may have for upcoming topics and/or speakers. Please contact Carol Charlebois (250-882-5820) or Ramona McKean (778-433-0111) or any other current board member with your suggestions.

Please visit our FACEBOOK (加拿大维多利亚加中友好协会-334764179959851/) , MEETUP (, or WEBSITE (

We hope to see you at our AGM! Until then, thank you all.

Yours in friendship,

Carol Charlebois

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